Full Moon Bike Tour through an Istrian Village? Sign Us Up!

By , 01 Jul 2017, 16:09 PM News
Full Moon Bike Tour through an Istrian Village? Sign Us Up! SRK Puls

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Ližnjan is a village and municipality in Istria.

We already know how much you enjoy cycling in Istria, but how about cycling under a full moon through Istira? 

SRK Puls has organized a full moon bike tour on July 8th in Ližnjan, Monte Madonna in Istria.

Participants will gather for the race at 21:00 with a prompt race time of 21:30. Cyclists can choose between the 20-kilometer MTB route or can night trek for 10 kilometers. And the best part? Once you stop pedaling, you can enjoy a full moon party!

For the MTB route, all cyclists are required to have a mountain bike, front and rear light, helmet, minimum 0.5 liters of fluid, and a mobile phone. 

For the Night Trek, all participants are required to have a front light, minimum 0.5 liters of fluid, a mobile phone, and a map of the race which will be provided by the organizer. 

The entry fee of 50 HRK includes: 

- a night trekking race or guided mountain bike tour 

- refreshments

- full moon party 

You can apply here:

https://docs.google.com/forms/ d / 1V1cvYHq-taxxi-3OH_3YBM7j4ezm8c6YtER7-UcwlI6M

Payments will be made to the account of the club: 

Sports and Recreation Club PULS 

Jadreški 31, Umag, Croatia 

OIB: 55208079339 

IBAN: HR9223600001102449692 - Zaba 

payment description: Full moon + name

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