February Marks 150 Years of the Bicycle in Zagreb

By , 06 Feb 2017, 11:33 AM News
February Marks 150 Years of the Bicycle in Zagreb Source: Pixabay

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This month marks exactly 150 years since the first bicycle ride was taken in Zagreb.

Back in 1867 the first bike arrived in Zagreb straight from the World Exhibition in Paris. While the first fair was held in 1851 in London - shaking the cultural scene in Europe - the release of the 1867 World Exhibition in Paris brought many innovations in culture, including the bicycle as a new and innovative means of transport, reports Buro 247 on February 1, 2017. 

After the World's Fair in 1867, trader Ladislav Beluš brought the bike back to Zagreb which caused a real delight, and in 1894 the ’Union of Croatian Cyclists' was established. A year later, entrepreneur Ivan Dirnbacher opened a factory where they produced bicycles named 'Ilyria' and 'Croatia', and the latter even won the Technical Exhibition in London in 1896.

In an effort to mark this great anniversary of the arrival of the bicycle to Zagreb, the cyclists union is hoping to draw attention to a significant date this month: February 10. To further encourage citizens to use alternative means of transportation such as the bicycle, the International Bike to Work day is being held for its winter edition then.

Take your bike to work, your university, or just be sure to choose this method of transportation as a means to get around, especially on this day. 

You can fill out a short survey and register at: winterbiketoworkday.org where you can also follow the results online.

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