Croatian Bike Routes: Sveta Nedelja – Jagnjić Dol – Svetonedeljski Breg

By , 16 Nov 2016, 10:47 AM Races and Rides
Croatian Bike Routes: Sveta Nedelja – Jagnjić Dol – Svetonedeljski Breg Image by TZ Zagreb County

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Sveta Nedelja is a picturesque village located along Zagreb-Samobor-Bregana-Slovenia, 6 km from Samobor and 17 kilometers from Zagreb. It was first mentioned in 1501 as one of the parishes of the Archdiocese of Zagreb, where from 1760 to 1787, the creator of the first Croatian arithmetic, Mihalj Šilobad Bolšić, resided. The municipality is the most densely populated in the County of Zagreb, and at the same time the most developed with a strong economic base.


The rapid economic development of the municipality has not left out the need to preserve the natural diversity and cultural richness of the municipality. It is fertile with cultivated fields in the valley of the Sava River, has attractive lakes - Orešje and Rakitje, and also picnic and fishing areas. The hilly part of the municipality is dominated by the rugged orchards, vineyards, numerous family homes with beautifully landscaped gardens, woods and the hills of Svetonedeljski breg overlooking the cities of Zagreb and Samobor and Zaprešić on the eastern bank of the Sava.

This route takes you from Sveta Nedelja – Jagnjić Dol – Svetonedeljski Breg and is provided by the Tourist Board of Zagreb County.


You will begin the route in front of the Church of the Holy Trinity. The ride begins along the paved road towards Brezje. At the intersection with the crucifix, turn right in the direction Jagnjić Dola. At the Y intersection of Lj. Gaja Street and Sv. M. Magdalena turn right onto St. M. Magdalena. At Topolino at the Y intersection, turn left and continue along Sv. M. Magdalena - here the gravel road begins. At the Chapel St. M. Magdalena (257 m), the ride continues along the macadam where you will then take the dirt road to Lackovići Gornji. A Lackovići Gornji, at the T intersection, turn right and continue on the asphalt road. Caution as there is a steep descent. Adjust your speed to the road conditions because it is a steep and serpentine two-way road. Check the brakes on a bicycle before entering the very steep downhill. At the intersection with the main road and along Vladimir Nazor Street, turn right towards the center of the Sveta Nedelja.

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