
20 Jul 2016, 11:37 AM

Have you ever been out riding and heard that squeak when pedalling or the chain slip and feel rough when changing gears? Well that my friends can be attributed to poor chain maintenance. Looking after your chain isn't the nicest of jobs but is extremely important as the drive mechanism of your bike is extremely important and when not maintained leaves you with a poor riding experience.

01 Jul 2016, 11:36 AM

If you want to be healthier, riding a bike is a great idea. Whether you do it for fun, for sport, for health, for transportation, or a little bit of it all, choosing the right bike is an important first step.

26 Jul 2016, 10:18 AM

We all agree that cycling is fun, a great form of exercise and one the best ways to explore Croatia. But there is a serious side to cycling and if you are not careful cycling can be hazardous.

20 Jun 2016, 14:17 PM

When it comes to any form of tourism, Istria has always been at the cutting edge and led the way in Croatia.

21 Jun 2016, 11:19 AM

Cyclo tourism is big in Croatia, with tourists coming from all over the world to explore this beautiful country on two wheels.

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