Let's face it; there is nothing like putting yourself to the test and coming out victorious. It's empowering and motivates you to improve. For those of you looking for a challenging ride, here are three mountain climbs in Croatia to test your ability.
Biokovo Mountain
Are you prepared to go into battle with Biokovo? Starting in Makarska, this challenging bicycle route is 27km long and will take you through the Biokovo Nature Park, along mountain cliffs, and finishes at Biokovo's peak which is 1762m above sea level.
The best part is the last 1km, where your character will be tested as the gradient increases to over 10% - pushing your legs to the limit. Think you can do it? Once you have conquered the mountain, you will be rewarded with spectacular views of pine forests, mountain gulleys and of course the alluring Adriatic Sea and the many islands that dot her waters.
In summer, Biokovo gets blisteringly hot so be sure to bring plenty of water as there is none available on the mountain. Also, check the weather forecast prior to making the ride, as you do not want to get caught by the infamous Bura, a northeasterly wind known for being incredibly powerful and destructive. But, don't let this put you off - as this ride is one of Europe's finest.
By Quahadi Añtó 13:48, 29 April 2015 (UTC) - Vlastito djelo postavljača, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39856718
Učka Mountain
Another of Croatia's commanding mountains is Mount Učka, which dominates Istria and the Bay of Kvarner. To ensure you get the full sense of accomplishment, start your ride from one of the seaside towns like Ičići, that way you absolutely conquer the mountain from its base to its peak, which by the way is named Vojak and is 1401m above sea level with the entire route being 23km.
The ride up the mountain takes you through some remarkable scenery and charming villages, and into the Učka Nature Park. Experienced cyclists will enjoy passing through beech forests and get occasional glimpses of Kvarner Bay. Cyclists will be challenged in a couple of sections of the route where the gradient gets up to 14%. When you reach Vojak, climb the stone tower to receive your reward, panoramic views of Istria, Venice, Kvarner Bay, Gorski Kotar, and the idyllic Adriatic islands.
Učka also has some excellent trails for Mountain bikers with over 180km of trails and eight routes which range from easy to difficult.

Medvednica Mountain
If you're staying in Zagreb and are in need of some time on two wheels. Jump on a tram, along with your bike, to Mihaljevac and ride to Sljeme, 1035m, the summit of Medvednica. This ride is 18km and will take you through the lungs of Zagreb. Otherwise, if you start from Ban Jelacic Square add another 8 kilometers to the base of Sljeme. You'll ascend the windy road through beech, oak and chestnut forests with a 5% gradient - enough to get the blood pumping. If you decide to climb the road don't forget to time your run on the "Center," a 10km stretch from bottom to the top of the mountain. The record is 24 minutes so pace yourself. When you get to the top, enjoy the views over Zagreb and sip on coffee in the fresh mountain air. There are also nine marked mountain bike routes on Medvednica with some tough ascents to challenge even the best mountain bikers. Most courses start at Sljeme and are circular meaning you can park your car at the top of the mountain if you wish, or take occasional ZET bus. It is rumored that they have bike racks. Or if you prefer downhill, get in touch with many organized tours and guides that can show you all the hidden routes.
Bonus tip, our expert cyclist Krešimir claims that up here, after a long ride to the top you can score yourself the best grah (beans) meal of all time. He swears it's because the dish truly is excellent and not because you are so tired you'd eat just about anything. Try it and let us know your thoughts.